Hydrogen Peroxide >

For Hydrogen Peroxide, Runa exclusively represents Solvay, one of the largest chemical manufacturer in the world. Our exclusive cooperation with Solvay in the Israeli market is already 40 years old and allows us to offer our customers highly advanced technical and commercial support, to ensure swift and high quality solutions to production problems and on-going supply.
In this sector the Solvay products we offer our customers include Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2, used as a strong oxidizer, bleaching agent and disinfectant mainly for applications such as pulp and paper, Percarbonate production, water waste treatment and dairies. In addition we offer high purity electronic grades.
For further information about the Hydrogen Peroxide grades that Runa supplies to the Israeli market, please visit the link below.
Please contact us should you require any technical or commercial support. We’ll be happy to assist.