In the PVC sector Runa represents Inovyn, the largest PVC manufacturer in Europe and a global leader. Our exclusive cooperation with Inovyn in the Israeli market allows us to offer our customers highly advanced technical and commercial support, to ensure swift and high quality solutions to production problems and on-going supply.
The Inovyn products are used in some of the most demanding applications and are fundamental raw materials for industry sectors as diverse as automotive; building and construction; paints and adhesives; healthcare and medical.
In addition, Inovyn offer recycled PVC under the Vinyloop brand for use in soft PVC applications such as garden hoses, sheets and more.
Inovyn has manufacturing operations in ten countries across Europe. Its well-invested, world-scale assets are complemented by an extensive international supply chain, which provides Inovyn with an excellent competitive position around the world.
For further information about the general purpose and specialty PVC grades that Runa supplies to the Israeli market, please visit the links below.
Please contact us should you require any technical or commercial support. We’ll be happy to assist.